Furthering Investigations, Research, Standards and Training of Detection K9's throughout the United States. FIRST Detection K9 is dedicated to furthering investigations utilizing detection K9s through peer reviewed research, credentialing standards of excellence and scientific based training to assist agencies having jurisdiction in the utilization of competent detection K9's.
FIRST Detection K9 is a 3 tier agency. Tier 1 is research, education and training. Tier 2 is credentialing. Tier 3 is development and deployment of specialized K9 teams and training/placement of trained K9's with partners. This organization is dedicated to furthering both the science and art of training the detection K9. Contact us at [email protected] |
Division One
FIRST Detection K9 promotes peer review research, education of the general public as well as trainers, and handlers, and scientific based training of detection K9s.
Division Two
FIRST Detection K9 provides credentialing standards of excellence. A FIRST Detection K9 certification is realistic and provides for K9's proven on realistic types and amounts of human remains.
Division Three
FIRST Detection K9 provides two types of K9 resources:
Cold Cases Historic/Pre-contact |